goredTomorrow,  February 6, is National Wear Red Day.  This is a nationwide effort to bring attention to heart disease in women.  Many of you know that I lost my mom six years ago.  One of the contributing factors to her death was heart disease, which she suffered through for over twenty years.  And a few  years ago, I had a scare of my own, when my blood pressure went out of control (after a lifetime of low blood pressure).

No one is immune to heart disease, and statistics show that women are more likely than men to die of  a heart attack.  And don’t ever think you’re too young for heart disease.  The Go Red for Women website has a whole section of stories – true ones – from women 35 and under that have been affected by, or afflicted with, heart disease.

So, tomorrow, when you get ready for your day, wear red.  And if you haven’t already, get your blood pressure, cholesterol, and triglycerides checked.  And do what you have to do to keep them in check.

For me, for my mom, and, especially, for you.